Inakustik Power Station AC-4500 on Stereo Times Review
in-akustik AC-4500 power filter rear view

"Publisher’s Choice Most Wanted Component"

AC-4500 power filter in test on (USA) | April 2024

"I should have never accepted the offer to hear the Inakustik Power Station AC-4500 conditioner. Serendipity struck when World Wide Wholesales owner Robert Neill offered me a review sample after discussing other high-end audio products he imports. For the past three-plus years, I have happily lived with the Puritan Audio Labs 156, which outperformed a very popular AC conditioner four times its $2400 asking price (the accompanying AC cord was $4k alone!). Heck, my Puritan 156 can still be the best I’ve heard, that is, if I can somehow find a way to un-hear what I just experienced after three months with the Inakustik Power Station AC-4500."

To the test report

To our AC Power conditioners

Review International: The "Soundrebels" review our power cable AC-2405 AIR.

Review International: The "Soundrebels" review our power cable AC-2405 AIR.

The online magazine "Soundrebels" (Poland) about the AC-2405 AIR: "A cable that combines drive and musicality at the highest level!"

Power conditioner for better sound quality

Power conditioner for better sound quality

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Review International: AC-4500 power filter tested by Stereo Times

Review International: AC-4500 power filter tested by Stereo Times

"I highly recommend the Inakustik Power Station AC-4500 and nominated it as my Publisher’s Choice Most Wanted Component for 2023!" Stereo times | AC-4500 Power filter

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"Ideal for those looking to add extra finesse to their systems without overly influencing the sound." Andrew Simpson | audiograde | UK