Webinar: Can losses in cables be measured?
We take you into the laboratory and investigate the question of whether losses in cables can be measured at all. Of course, we analyze the results and consider the relationship between sound and cable.
Guest article: Optimizing streaming
Streaming is very easy thanks to a range of apps and smart streaming players, but there are pitfalls and a lot of potential for optimization if you want it to sound really good.
Guest article: Setting up active subwoofers correctly
The correct positioning of subwoofers is often discussed. Unfortunately, all too rarely about how how to set them when they are already positioned in the best possible way .
Guest article: Improving room acoustics with on-board resources
Does your music room sound too bright? Then improve the acoustics in just a few steps. But please avoid egg cartons. They belong in the fridge, not on the wall ;-)
Guest article: Record cleaning
How record cleaning affects the quality of your music playback. Record cleaning from "cheap" to high-end.
How to improve the sound of your hi-fi or high-end system
In this article, we explain how capacitance affects sound and describe how AIR cables transmit audio signals with almost no loss.