Product information "High Speed USB A < > B"

The Referenz USB 2.0 cable has been specially designed for low-loss HD audio streaming. Its conductors consist of fine, separately enameled copper wires (high-speed conductors). Together with the high-quality materials, they reduce the jitter effects that can affect sound quality, especially when streaming audio data. In addition, the sensitive data is protected by 4-fold shielding. Extra-large cables for the power supply, e.g. for external hard drives, minimize voltage fluctuations. They make sure that peripheral devices function perfectly, even with longer cables, and so ensure a low-error data stream. The high-quality Referenz USB connectors and precision manufacturing round off the product.

Application: High End Audio DAC | HDD | Streamer
Conductor design: AWG 22 (19 x 0,15 mm)
Conductor material: High-purity OFC copper
Conformity: CE, REACH, RoHS
Connector assembly: Soldering
Connector housing: Solid metal
Contact enhancement: Gold-plated
Contact material: Brass
Data rate: 480 Mbit/s
Data sync | Power: Yes
Design: Twisted pair
Dielectric: Special PE
HD audio support: Yes
Jacket: PE network jacket
Length: 0.75 m, 1.5 m, 3 m, 7.5 m
Shielding: 4-fold (foil + braid + foil + braid)
Specification: High Speed USB 2.0
Wave impedance: 90 ohms
Product group: Multimedia
Product category: USB cables
Quality: Referenz
Technology: High-speed signal conductor
Connector: USB A < > USB B
Made in Germany: Yes
  • Referenz high-speed USB 2.0 cable
  • Referenz product guide
  • Feedback card

If you have any questions about product safety, please contact:
in-akustik GmbH & Co. KG
Untermatten 12-14
79282 Ballrechten-Dottingen
Tel.: +49 (0) 7634 5610-0

1 of 1 reviews

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Marius, 25 July 2024 14:29

One of the best USB cables under 1,000 euros.

I have tested a lot of USB cables in recent years from well-known and lesser-known brands in the price range 100 to 1250 euros. I was tipped this cable by someone. I ordered it and completely fell off my chair... This cable has an unbelievably good price-quality ratio. It is transparent, fluid, musical and has no trace of digital. The cable sounded good out of the box, but after a few days both width and depth increased and it sounded even more relaxed. The cable feels very solid with metal connectors. One of the best USB cables under 1,000 euros. I use the cable between my Sonore opticalRendu streamer and my Aqua La Voce S3 DAC.

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High-end USB cable Quality: Referenz AIR Helix Point-to-Point
The air helix design of the Referenz USB-2405 AIR is entirely unique. We’ve developed a special clip to achieve practically perfect air insulation. Inside the cable, in the right numbers these clips form a supporting structure that keeps the helically-arranged signal conductors apart in the air, and guides them through the high-density shielding at a specific distance from each other. The flexibility of this structure is ensured with two struts, which both hold the clips together and fix them at an exact distance from each other. In the proper sense of the word, “digital” only exists in mathematics in the form of the binary number system. There are no purely digital signals in the technical world. Electrical voltage limits and time windows are defined to detect zeros and ones. The jump from a zero to a one or vice versa always requires a certain time, during which the signal level passes through all intermediate values, from 0 volts to 5 volts, for example. Capacitive loads, dielectric losses, noise and electromagnetic interferences caused by cables additionally manipulate this change. This results in temporal shifts, or the, “jitter effect”, which makes precise reconstruction of the audio signal difficult or almost impossible. New 180° USB connector: As we know, USB connectors can only be inserted in one direction. This can be difficult, as the position of the USB sockets in devices varies. To adjust the course of the cable, it often has to be twisted quite a lot, which puts strain on cables, connectors and sockets and also looks unsightly. Our recently developed USB connectors with 180° rotation mechanism offer a solution: Each one can be rotated by +/- 45 degrees, enabling a total rotation of +/- 90 degrees from connector to connector, thus providing the finishing touch for perfect cabling. The dense shielding of the Referenz USB-2405 AIR cable protects the sensitive signal from electromagnetic interferences. Under the shielding is the innovative air helix structure, where air and the spacing between the conductors act as insulators, preventing dielectric losses and significantly reducing capacitive loads. On the whole this makes the digital-to-analog converter’s (DAC) work easier and perfects the audio signal’s reconstruction.

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Die Air-Helix-Konstruktion des Referenz USB-2405 AIR ist absolut einzigartig. Um eine nahezu perfekte Luftisolation zu erreichen, haben wir einen speziellen Clip entwickelt. Im Innern des Kabels bildet eine Vielzahl dieser Clips ein tragendes Gerüst, welches die Signalleiter helixförmig frei in der Luft hält und in definiertem Abstand durch die hochdichte Abschirmung führt. Die Flexibilität dieser Konstruktion wird durch zwei Stege erreicht, die nicht nur die Clips zusammenhalten, sondern sie auch auf dem exakten Abstand zueinander fixieren. Im eigentlichen Sinne ist „Digital“ nur in der Mathematik in Form des dualen Zahlensystems vorhanden. In der technischen Welt existieren keine reinen digitalen Signale. Zur Detektion von Nullen und Einsen werden elektrische Spannungsgrenzen und Zeitfenster definiert. Der Sprung von einer Null zu einer Eins oder umgekehrt erfordert immer eine gewisse Zeit, in der der Signalpegel alle Zwischenwerte, beispielsweise von 0 Volt bis 5 Volt, durchläuft. Kapazitive Lasten, dielektrische Verluste, Rauschen und elektromagnetische Störungen, die durch Kabel verursacht werden, manipulieren diesen Übergang zusätzlich. Das resultiert in zeitlichen Verschiebungen, dem sogenannten Jitter-Effekt, wodurch eine präzise Rekonstruktion des Audiosignals erschwert wird bzw. nahezu unmöglich ist. To get closer to the pinnacle of audiophile perfection, we also carefully examined the conductor material. Copper in the right purity is itself already an excellent conductor, but a superconductor with no ohmic resistance to the current would be simply perfect. The material’s superconducting properties, however, require extremely low temperatures of at least -70 degrees. Under realistic conditions, silver is currently the most conductive material. With a conductivity of 61.35 S/m (siemens per meter), it outperforms copper by around six percent. Many manufacturers only use silver-plated conductors, which over time can seem, “bright”, “metallic” and even, “annoying”. We, on the other hand, use pure silver, which has a far more neutral sound. Due to the higher drift speed of the electrons, our pure silver cable delivers a more penetrating and sumptuous sound performance, across all frequency ranges. On the other hand of course, silver is about one hundred times more expensive than copper. Neuer 180° USB-Stecker: USB-Stecker können bekanntlich nur in einer Richtung eingesteckt werden. Dies kann mühsam sein, da die Position der USB-Buchsen in Geräten variiert. Um den Verlauf des Kabels anzupassen, muss es oft stark verdreht werden, was Kabel, Stecker und Buchsen strapaziert und zudem unschön aussieht. Die von uns neu entwickelten USB-Stecker mit 180°-Drehmechanismus bieten eine Lösung: Sie können jeweils um +/- 45 Grad gedreht werden, was bedeutet, dass von Stecker zu Stecker insgesamt eine Drehung von +/- 90 Grad möglich ist. Dies ist der letzte Feinschliff für eine perfekte Verkabelung. Die dichte Abschirmung des Referenz USB-2405 AIR Kabels schützt das empfindliche Signal vor elektromagnetischen Interferenzen. Unter der Abschirmung befindet sich die innovative Air-Helix-Konstruktion, wobei Luft und der Abstand der Leiter als Isolatoren fungieren, die dielektrische Verluste verhindern und kapazitive Lasten erheblich reduzieren. Insgesamt erleichtert dies dem Digital-Analog-Wandler (DAC) die Arbeit und perfektioniert die Rekonstruktion des Audiosignals.

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